Image of Shepherds Rest Anatolians Image of Shepherds Rest Anatolians and Oberhasli Goats

Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

Image of Anatolian Shepherd
Shepherds Rest Mürekkep "Kepi"

in pictures
Image of Anatolian Shepherd

Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

See Pedigree

Date of Birth 9-7-09

See her dam, Sirin, at her page!

Mürekkep is Turkish for Ink, since she has a dark face. Her father is Ormanüstü Duman, a rare dark rough-coat - a Shepherds Rest import, who came as a working dog from the mountains near the Black Sea in Turkey! Click here to see sire. "Kepi" is very laid back and sweet. She gets along well with other dogs ... more of a peacemaker. But she does get cooked up quickly when the coyotes appear. She is expecting her first litter in October!

November 2013, 4 Years Old
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

September 2011, Two Years Old
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

9 Months Old (6-18-10)
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

Photos taken during Kepi's turn on the cable in the pasture with young goats. She and the other adolescents-in-training take turns alternating between being free with the bucks or larger does in other pastures, and doing some supervised time on the cable in with the young unweaned livestock.

December 2009, 3 months old
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep

Also seen here with her sire
">Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep Image of Anatolian Shepherd Mürekkep